
Bank St Marina DA - Paddler Letter

Published Sun 06 Aug 2017

Dear Bank Street Paddler,

As you may be aware, an Amended Development Application has been lodged with the NSW Department of Planning to develop a “temporary” marina on the land adjacent to the Bank Street area you and your club uses for training. Dragon Boats NSW operates this site under licence from RMS. There is a real danger that this development could have serious consequences for the future of our Bank Street Licenced Area via substantially increased ferry/party boat traffic.

The Board of Dragon Boats NSW has considered the Amended DA and set up a working group to develop a DBNSW response on the Amended DA. That working group included Bank Street paddlers Caitlin Moffat (Pacific Dragons) and Ciaran Monk (ACCA); the Board is most grateful for their work. The working group recommended that the sport take a three pronged stance on the Amended DA. The first was a submission from DBNSW regarding the Amended DA. The second was a letter template, which Bank Street clubs could complete and submit. The third was a letter template, which individual paddlers could complete and submit.

Attached you will find the Bank Street paddler letter template...


DBNSW recommends that you save the letter; add your details; add any other information you might think is relevant. For your information, the main thrust of the DBNSW submission will be paddler safety. Once you have done this, your version of the letter can be saved as a PDF file and submitted on-line to the Department of Planning.

You can go to the Department’s website HERE and scroll to the bottom to submit your letter via the "Make a Submission" button.

Submissions close on 11 August 2017.

Please support the DBNSW campaign to keep Bank Street safe for all DBNSW members.

Glenn Tasker
Chief Executive Officer
Dragon Boats NSW Inc.